8 Best Baby Shampoos, According to Pediatric Dermatologists & Moms

For babies with sensitive skin or scalp, Sheilagh Maguiness, MD, an associate professor of dermatology and pediatrics at the University of Minnesota, says it’s important to be extra cautious when choosing a hair wash at bath time. So that means no parabens, no essential oils, no dyes, and no fragrances should touch that extra sensitive baby skin. She gives her stamp of approval to Mustela’s fragrance-free offerings, which are especially designed, according to the company, for kiddos with “very sensitive, rashy or reactive skin.” She notes, though, that you “must be a good label reader because Mustela makes washes that contain fragrance and ones that are fragrance-free.” Glamour’s McNeal got turned onto Mustela after her nephew switched exclusively to it for his eczema, and has loved using it on her daughter as well. “Although it’s unscented, it leaves her skin and hair with a fresh aroma that I love,” she says.

  • Key ingredients: Avocado perseose, schizandra berry
  • Size: 10 oz
  • Scented: No (scented options available)

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