Dyer Memorial in Huntsville, Ontario

Clifton Dyer, a lawyer from Detroit, and his wife Betsy Dyer visited Huntsville, Ontario, on their honeymoon in 1916. For many years they would return, staying in a cabin off the Big East River. A few times they even visited during the winter months riding a horse out to their cabin and enjoying the snow skiing.

After Betsy passed away in 1956, Clifton began construction of the memorial to hold her ashes in the place she loved so much. Three years later in 1959 Clifton passed away as well, and requested that his ashes be placed in the memorial along with his wife’s remains.

For years, upkeep was routine funded by a trust-fund and a dedicated caretaker. When the money ran dry and the caretaker passed the surrounding forest would begin to overtake the memorial. In 2010, Muskoka Conservatory took responsibility for the upkeep, cleaning up the bush and planting more trees in the area. Dyer Memorial is surrounded by beautiful trails and is a wonderful spot for a picnic.

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