Ariston in Athens, Greece

Savory pies, or pita, have been part of the Greek diet since the days of Plato and Aristotle. The ancients liked to start their day with a tart enveloped in a sturdy crust made with wine. Over the generations, Greece’s pies evolved into their flaky, present-day incarnation. 

While mass-produced spanakopita abounds both in Greece and abroad, Athenians are blessed with access to bakers who still hand-roll out their dough daily. None do so better than Ariston—its name translates as “the best,” after all. Back when the old Parliament building was down the block, the bakery was packed with politicians grabbing a warm pie for breakfast or lunch.

Since 1910, the Lobotesis has been whipping up superlative kourou pies. These half-moons pastries boast a tender crust enriched with butter and yogurt. If you’re looking for classic slabs of spanokopita and other pies, the bakery has more than a dozen in its display case every day. Everything is excellent, but if you manage to arrive before the tyropita (cheese pie) is sold-out, consider yourself lucky. At just over €2, it’s one of the most satisfying mels in town.

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